Minggu, 21 April 2013

Make a sentences of Simple Present Tense about your self

Name               : Tyas Mustikawati
Class                : 3eb22
Npm                : 28210308

I am Tyas Mustikawati. You can call me tyas. I am simple girl. I am twenty years old. I was born at Jakarta  01th of may 1992. I live in Bekasi. I have one younger sister. The name are Maulinda Nabilah. Linda like read a book at home. Sister go to school on foot. I am very comfortable in the house because all love me so much. My mother is a housewife, and my father is entrepreneur. my mom likes to cooking and mother like clean the house. mother cook delicious meals. I like risol, risol food is very tasty. risol the contents of a variety of vegetables, meat and others. I like to swim, sometimes swimming with his sister and mother. Now, I study at Universitas Gunadarma Kalimalang. Next year, i am graduate as a good accountant.
 I have a good friend in college. I know them as three semesters ago. We often learn together.
They are beautiful and friendly. and I am happy to have friends like them. My red lovers. partially owned my red shirt.

Verb 1                         : red
Adjective        : blue
Adverb                        : green

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